Request Headers

Every request to Finch’s API requires the following headers—

AuthorizationBearer authorization header, which is formed by concatenating the word “Bearer” with the access token, separated by a space.
Finch-API-VersionHeader used to specify the version for a given API request. Current version is 2020-09-17.

Response Headers

Finch’s additional response headers provide information about the data contained in responses.

Finch-Request-IdEach response from Finch’s API has a unique request identifier. If you need to contact us about a specific request, providing the request identifier will ensure the fastest possible resolution.
Finch-Data-RetrievedThe date/time in ISO-8601 format that the data was retrieved from the employment system.
Finch-Last-Attempted-Update-DateThe date/time in ISO-8601 format that Finch last attempted to update this data.
Finch-Last-Attempted-Update-ResultThe result of Finch’s last attempted update. Possible values:
success: the last attempt succeeded
error: the last attempt errored
partial_error: (batch requests only) the last attempt succeeded for some items in the batch and failed for others.