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Development Guides
Pay Statement
Read detailed pay statements for each individual.
Deduction and contribution types are supported by the payroll systems that supports Benefits.
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The array of pay statements for the current payment.
The array of earnings objects associated with this pay statement
The earnings amount in cents.
The earnings currency code.
The number of hours associated with this earning. (For salaried employees, this could be hours per pay period, 0
or null
, depending on the provider).
The exact name of the deduction from the pay statement.
The type of earning.
, wage
, reimbursement
, overtime
, severance
, double_overtime
, pto
, sick
, bonus
, commission
, tips
, 1099
, other
The array of deductions objects associated with this pay statement.
The deduction amount in cents.
The deduction currency.
The deduction name from the pay statement.
Boolean indicating if the deduction is pre-tax.
Type of benefit.
, 401k_roth
, 401k_loan
, 403b
, 403b_roth
, 457
, 457_roth
, s125_medical
, s125_dental
, s125_vision
, hsa_pre
, hsa_post
, fsa_medical
, fsa_dependent_care
, simple_ira
, simple
, commuter
, custom_post_tax
, custom_pre_tax
The contribution amount in cents.
The contribution currency.
The contribution name from the pay statement.
Type of benefit.
, 401k_roth
, 401k_loan
, 403b
, 403b_roth
, 457
, 457_roth
, s125_medical
, s125_dental
, s125_vision
, hsa_pre
, hsa_post
, fsa_medical
, fsa_dependent_care
, simple_ira
, simple
, commuter
, custom_post_tax
, custom_pre_tax
A stable Finch id
(UUID v4) for an individual in the company
The payment method.
, direct_deposit
The array of taxes objects associated with this pay statement.
The tax amount in cents.
The currency code.
if the amount is paid by the employers.
The exact name of tax from the pay statement.
The type of taxes.
, federal
, local
, fica
The number of hours worked for this pay period
The type of the payment associated with the pay statement.
, off_cycle_payroll
, one_time_payment
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