Get all automated jobs. Automated jobs are completed by a machine. By default, jobs are sorted in descending order by submission time. For scheduled jobs such as data syncs, only the next scheduled job is shown.
Get all automated jobs. Automated jobs are completed by a machine. By default, jobs are sorted in descending order by submission time. For scheduled jobs such as data syncs, only the next scheduled job is shown.
The datetime when the job was created. for scheduled jobs, this will be the initial connection time. For ad-hoc jobs, this will be the time the creation request was received.
The datetime a job is scheduled to be run. For scheduled jobs, this datetime can be in the future if the job has not yet been enqueued. For ad-hoc jobs, this field will be null.
Information about remaining quotas for this connection. Only applicable for customers opted in to use Finch's Data Sync Refresh endpoint (POST /jobs/automated). Please contact a Finch representative for more details.