Before connecting TriNet to your desired integration, you must first request an API Key.

You must be assigned the TriNet role of “Integration Administrator” or work with someone in your company with the appropriate access.

Step by step guide

  1. Sign in to TriNet (
  2. Navigate to the TriNet Integration Center (Admin • Manager > Integration Center)
  3. Select “Get Started” from the “TriNet API” section.
  4. Select the application from the “Select an Integration” drop-down menu and review the level of access being granted to the API Key before selecting “Accept”.
  5. Copy the Company ID, Client ID, and Client Secret. Do not navigate from this screen until the credentials have been entered in Finch as they cannot be accessed again.
  6. Select “OK”

Access can be revoked at any time by selecting “Disconnect” from within “My Connected Apps” ( > Admin • Manger > Integration Center > My Connected Apps).

A new key and secret can be generated by disconnecting and repeating steps 1-5.